Personalized Public Speaking Training for All Ages
Price for 1:1 coaching: $170/hour
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Hi, I’m Jamie Silva, owner & founder of Silva Speech Coaching
Learn about my background, hear from past students, read some words of wisdom—or book a free consultation today!
What I offer, how it works, and why.
My Mission
To help people express themselves clearly, persuasively & confidently, no matter the setting.
My Experience
Since my initial forays into public speaking (and coaching!) in high school, I've spent thousands of hours presenting—in sports radio broadcasting, competitive forensics/debate, corporate settings, stand-up comedy and podcasting. Thanks to this range and depth of experience, I'm able to help both adults and kids tackle a wide array of speaking challenges (read the FAQs below for a rundown).
My Methods
In addition to being deeply knowledgeable, extremely dedicated and highly responsive, I take time to learn about each student's unique speaking settings, goals, struggles and strengths—then thoughtfully design individualized lessons for each. I also take students behind the scenes of the coaching process, explaining my methods and encouraging self-analysis—so that even after our sessions conclude, you can be your own coach and keep improving for the rest of your life!
My Expertise
(Click the links to learn more about my process for each, or read reviews from clients in each category)
Business communication (presentations, Q&A, or just leading or participating in meetings).
Helping shy kids as well as adults build conversation skills & become more comfortable in social settings.
Correcting an array of common speaking flaws (e.g., excessive speed, abundant fillers, or an unconfident delivery).
Content development (e.g., brainstorming ideas & shaping them into a coherent speech). See in-depth editing example here.
Job interview or academic interview prep.
Wedding toast preparation
Helping high-achieving children take their communication skills to new heights.
And if nerves are your nemesis, I offer a wealth of practical strategies to overcome, manage and/or speak well despite them.
Me on the job!
Student Spotlight — Byron Rodgers, CEO at Bravo Research Group
Seen here delivering the keynote presentation we worked on at an executive protection industry conference in Mexico City.
Jamie is one of the best coaches I’ve ever had. Honestly I could not have done my presentation to the level of excellence I was able to execute on without him. I will definitely be utilizing him in the future and I highly recommend anyone who is serious about delivering their presentation with excellence definitely works with him before “the day” comes. His mastery of speaking, the English language and even ideas around various topics added a depth and texture to my presentation that really took everything to the next level.📈
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How much do you charge?
The default rate is $170/hour (each session is an hour). This gets you all my customary content, analysis & feedback, with all exercises & speaking done live in-session.
If you send me a recording of you speaking for me to review outside of session, that's an additional $30 charge, as that takes extra time, especially since I usually watch it several times. Recordings can be great fodder for coaching, since I can listen to/watch them beforehand (usually several times), and come to the session prepared with feedback. This also allows us to pack more insight & analysis into each session, which makes it a higher-quality service designed to help you reach your goals faster.
For workshops, seminars & group classes, the rate is the same, but also may apply to prior prep work if I’m doing a lot of content customization. The specifics are pretty negotiable, so reach out & we can discuss.
Also, if I travel to the event, naturally the client would cover transportation, lodging, food and any sessions lost from traveling on weekdays.
What sorts of speaking problems/challenges do you help with?
They run the gamut! Here are some of the most common:
An unconfident delivery
Excessive fillers (um, uh, like, etc.)
Speaking too fast
Flat, monotone style
Weak volume/too quiet
Poor enunciation/mumbling/verbal stumbles
Rambling & poor organization
Trouble thinking on your feet
Mind blanks/freezes
Unclear explanations
Inability to express what’s on your mind
Brainstorming ideas/developing & organizing content (e.g., for a conference talk or other speech)
Inferior stage presence, video presence, and/or body language
Unsure how to practice
Conversational awkwardness & coming up with things to say in social settings
What about speaking settings?
This gamut may be even bigger. In the professional arena, we’re talking presentations (with or without slides, in-person or remote, executive- or client-facing) participating in or leading meetings, collaborating with a team, or even just interacting with colleagues one-on-one.
Other settings I’ve helped folks excel in:
Book tours
Job & academic interviews
Wedding speeches
Industry conference keynotes
Venture capitalist pitches
Conversations/meeting new people
High school debate
Political candidate debate & media interview practice
Class discussion participation (high school & college)
What do sessions look like?
There is tremendous flexibility based on each student’s unique needs (scroll down to “How do you personalize lessons?” below to learn more), but in general, a session looks like this: I give feedback on any homework (usually practice recordings); we run through vocal exercises designed to target speaking flaws/hone skills; the student gives a live (prepared or impromptu) speech & I critique it; and (if needed) I offer suggestions for handling nerves.
Are sessions remote or in person?
Remote, over google meet or another video chat service. I mean, if you’re right in my neighborhood, maybe we meet up, but even then remote is logistically simplest.
If you want to fly me out for in-person sessions, great! That’ll just be more expensive.
Who are your typical clients?
While there are many different types, five stand out:
Professionals who find themselves speaking more often & in front of bigger/more important audiences, and fear inadequate speaking skills and/or nerves are holding back their career.
Folks seeking to improve their conversation & social skills for situations & interactions in normal life.
Companies or other organizations seeking group speaking workshops, classes or employee training.
Kids (or adults) whose shyness or inability to express themselves prevents them from speaking up in class, at work, or socializing comfortably with peers.
Rhetorically gifted children whose parents want to prepare them for high school debate or academic interviews.
How many sessions will I need?
I wrote a whole article about this!
How often would we meet?
However frequently you like. Some students are very busy & can only manage once a month; others have a big speech coming up and want to meet several times a week. Most, though, do weekly sessions.
Can you reduce my accent?
I can help somewhat (especially for Indian accents), but if this is your main focus, you probably want to contact a speech therapist or accent reduction specialist.
(infrequently asked questions—they’re still worth answering)
Do you have a Method of some kind?
Depends what you mean. I think a lot of coaches package their ideas into a special Program/Process/Method for marketing purposes, probably with a snappy acronym, like S.PE.A.K. — Start Presenting Excellently And Kreatively (K is a tough one). In my opinion, this is mostly gimmickry designed to dress up middling ideas in fancy “secret sauce” terms. So yes, I have my methods—don’t we all!—and you can learn about them on this page, my blog, past student experiences, and/or by booking a free consultation. But I don’t frame them as a Unified Theory of Communication or a 10-Step Guaranteed Greatness Program.
How do you personalize lessons?
Several ways:
I ask a ton of questions in the consultation—about your speaking goals, past experience, perceived strengths & weaknesses, the settings you speak in, nerves dynamics & much more. The path to personalization starts with getting to know you personally!
I have you tell a story & present on a work-related topic at the start of our first session. If you send me a recording, I review that too. Then, by observing how your vocal delivery changes (or doesn’t) across these various styles and analyzing it across a dozen or so dimensions (e.g., speed, volume, inflection, enunciation, fillers, and organization), I’m able to craft & share a customized development plan.
I then tailor every single session (as well as the homework) to wherever you’re at—adjusting for your progress, trouble spots, questions, additional speaking objectives we might unearth, etc. Naturally these things vary student to student & session to session, often in unpredictable ways. That’s why a cookie-cutter or curriculum-based approach simply won’t cut it, in my view.
Talk about your speaking experience/background.
Ah, I believe you’re looking for the “About Me” page. I can share more about what’s outlined there, but that’s best saved for a consultation. These are just IAQs, not a “let me tell you my life story” blog post. 😛
Is this coaching thing a side gig?
Nope, this is it—this is the whole employment shebang. Not only is this great for me (I love this job!), but students benefit too. since it’s easier to find available session slots that fit your schedule when your instructor is coaching full-time.
Do you have sessions on weekends?
Sometimes. Saturday mornings (Pacific time) are the best bet, but I reserve the right to be out having fun instead. What’s the point of working for yourself if you don’t have some work/life balance, y’know?
Do you offer group classes or corporate trainings?
Sure do! These tend to be a bit more bespoke (meaning, customized to your business’s/employees’ needs), so if that’s what you’re looking for, drop me a line & we’ll see about setting something up.
What if I know someone who could use your services? Do you offer a referral reward?
I do indeed! If you refer a new student, you get 25% off your next session. If you’re not a student, you get a cash equivalent instead.
Where are you based?
Portland, OR. A pleasant place, lovely this time of year.
I have more IAQs. Where can I get answers?
You can use the Free Consultation form, which just sends me an email. Theoretically you could use that form to send not just extra questions, but also fun facts, fan mail, random opinions and/or recipes. So, go to town! I’d love to hear from you. 🙂